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power to create (vs.) power to destroy

27 Jul

At the title you can read a well known phrase, been heard of / said of a lot of times and in a lot of situations, we are not going try to explain this phrase once again, but we will show an example that applies perfectly.

The sign that the girl holds reads:

“Και εσύ λαέ βασανισμένε, μην ξεχνάς τον εμπαιγμό”

meaning of

“and you, tortured/miserable people, do not forget the mockery”,

plus, that the girl is pictured as ‘Justice’ with her eyes covered by a scarf and holding a scale taken by the wind.

I saw that draw as soon as the Hellenic government had signed the first memorandum with the I.M.F , what so ever that means.


This is the now-days status of the graffiti…the assumptions are left to you,

why would someone do this?

why destroy something like that, i think that the answer to most people is profane,

because he/she can’t create something equal ?

is it jealousy ?


kitchen table painting progress

16 Sep

The past few days i wasn’t able to continue working at the painting of the kitchen table, but this weekend were a blow, i spend at least 4 or 5 working hours on this,

at the next photo you can see the sides of the table, they are completely finished and the final feeling of the wood surface is at least superb (!).

No kidding- its like factory painted (!)

But wait, there is more…i also started painting the main surface of the table.

The final concept ( i hope ) it will give us a very colorful and beauty-full table to have our lunches and dinners on.

stay tuned to see the regular painting updates (!)

until then…eat good / enjoy life (!)

Kitchen Table repainting…still in progress (!)

4 Sep

Its been less than two weeks that i decided to re-paint the kitchen table that i bought last year at the cutting edge price of 25 euros from a ‘praktiker’ shop, its pure wood but it had two big scratches on the main surface which justify its price…

stay tuned, i hope i’ll finish it in a week or two…

then you will be astounded…(!)